Hello from Action for Children! Thank you for supporting our work! Our thanks to everyone who raised funds in the last couple of months to support the vital work we do. You're amazing! Those who took part in Boycott Your Bed in October will be pleased to know that we’ve raised over £450,000 so far. 'Warm welcome' Christmas worship is ready to download Christmas is just around the corner! And we've created a worship outline for churches that wish to hold special services to support and pray for our work. The prayers, poems and stories are based on the theme, ‘Warm welcome’. It’s times like these when those of us who can need to reach out with warmth and welcome to support the most vulnerable in our society, and make Christmas about hope, love and peace. Visit actionforchildren.uk/worship to download a copy. If you're a church, district or circuit contact who hasn't been receiving our newsletter and the worship outline by post, please email ask.us@actionforchildren.org.uk with your details and we will add you to our mailing list. Be a Secret Santa Christmas, for children, is magical. Decorating the tree. Delicious food. Presents! But there are children all over the UK who will wake up on Christmas morning to nothing but a cold house. No toys, no treats, no Christmas dinner – maybe no dinner at all. Your gift could help change this. You could help put the magic back into Christmas. Be a Secret Santa for a vulnerable child. To find out more and sign up, visit iamsanta.org.uk/afcupdate |