30th May 2025 – 1st June 2025

Cliff College, Calver, Hope Valley Sheffield S32 3XG

Bookings are open for the 2025 residential global mission conference which will be at Cliff College in Derbyshire from 30 May - 1 June 2025. The theme is “The World is my Parish” - Celebrating God’s Mission in Methodism’s past and exploring the future. This will include celebration and thanksgiving for the contribution of lay mission partners and looking forward to the future. We are delighted to welcome Rev’d Reynaldo Leao NetoGeneral Secretary of the World Methodist Council who will be the Keynote Speaker. There will be opportunities to hear from returned lay mission partners, MWM partners and friends on Saturday and Sunday. 

Please read the booking information before completing the online booking form. If you have any questions, would like more information before booking or would prefer to camp email bookings@mwmuk.onmicrosoft.com. Any programme updates will be added to the website  There are a limited number of bursaries available to help people attend the conference who would otherwise not be able to attend because of the cost. We look forward to welcoming you at the conference. Can I encourage you to book as soon as possible to help us plan the accommodation and conference space available, but especially if you are planning to bring children or wish to apply for a bursary. Saturday afternoon will include a celebration and worship on Sunday will include thanksgiving. Day visitors are welcome.